Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 1. Getting Started with our 20% project.

Today, me and Cameron began by evaluating the materials we had. These consisted of: a full keyboard synthesizer, my macbook air, garageband, and an amp. Mr. Detarr was nice enough to say he would lend us a digital box to hook the synth up to my computer so we could record straight onto it without having to use the bad mic that my computer has.
So here's the deal on what me and Cameron are doing for this project: Using the materials listed above, we are going to generate a cool remix of the song Clocks by Coldplay. This will consist of recording the synth and using the program garageband and possibly even recording a drum line played by me. However, we are still unsure whether or not we will do that.
Today in class, we learned how to use the program garage band and generated our first recording on it using patch 22 and 23 on the synth. I learned how to loop tracks and develop new tracks to build on to a recording. The program is really cool! 
Matt and Cameron


  1. You guys are off to a great start! I am REALLY looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

  2. Cameron was telling me you were having trouble posting an audio file of the song to the blog. To make an mp3 of your song, you'll need to go to Share>Export Song to Disk. Hit the box labeled "Compress" and select MP3 Encoder from the drop-down menu. That will give you a file that you can post as an attachment to the blog.

    For a final version you would put on a CD you would leave the box unchecked, but this will give you a file that is small enough to attach without too big of a loss of audio quality.

    Let me know if you have any other questions! Or if this didn't answer the one you had.

    -Mr. de Tarr
