Monday, November 14, 2011

Finishing Touches

Today in class, Cameron and I successfully put the finishing touches on our google project. We recorded the end part of the song, rearranged some parts and finally completed our song. Our song now consists of piano and synthesizer recordings in which we arranged to form a cool song, which we haven't named yet. The name is what Cameron and I will need to be thinking about from now until our presentation date, as well as what we are going to say when we present the song. Today, in addition to finishing our actual project, we went off on a tangent and recorded this hilarious a cappella of our chorus line with Mike and Aram. After presenting our song in all seriousness, we are thinking to throw in this funny 30 second clip to add some comedic spice to our presentation and hopefully get everybody laughing. I guess you could say it's a song "blooper". I am proud of the work Cameron and I have done and it feels good to know that we have made a cool song.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Final Stretch

Today we had another google day in band that was very productive. We got a lot done and got much more recorded that was needed. Our song is coming along quite nicely and now that we have recorded most of the individual parts it is becoming much more enjoyable to hear little tastes of the final product as we stack the pieces together. The only part we have left is to record our ending, and to finalize all of the editing.

Tidying Up

Yesterday during our Google Project work day in class, me and Cameron spent time tidying and polishing up the song. I am pleased that we have almost all of our recording done. We spent most of yesterday just editing and mixing, seeing what would sound better and where. We both ended up being satisfied with how the song is sounding and actually very pleased with some of the parts which are actually really cool. The Garage Band program is becoming much easier to use and I'm becoming a pro at it. The song is around 4 minutes long I'd say and it's very cool. After me and Cameron get the ending recorded last time I should put up a tentative version of the song.